"After adding fonts to font library (Tools/Create Font Library....) the new fonts (copied to font library) do not appear in Database Search.
If you choose "Add font infromation to database" for the "My Font Library" folder, the fonts still not appear in DB Search."
Applied to:
FontExpert 2009 version 10.0 Releases 1, 2, 3, 4.
Fixed in the Release 5 of version 10.0.
During Create Library new fonts are added to database without font information records. Note: No errors appear in the database itsself in terms of database integrity.
How to fix:
After adding new fonts to font library using Create Library... feature:
1) Go to Tools\Database Maintenance... window and remove entire "My Font Library" folder.
2) Close Database Maintenance window, open Folders view, select "My Font Library" folder and choose "Add font information to database" context menu command.
With thousands of fonts in the font library this operation may take some time. Please wait until %-counter on status bar displays 100%.